Sunday, March 10, 2013

You know when...'re raising a nerd -

My son has recently started drawing people. He draws the standard little kid stick figures, but he insists on drawing the sternal notch for everyone he draws. When asked what that small circle under the head is, J points to his sternal notch. It makes me smile.

I guess his stick people don't wear turtle necks.


  1. So cute! And talk about attention to detail!

    My 3yo draws belly buttons on all of her people - which I think is a little more standard. :)

    1. Some people of his have belly buttons too (see the two people on the left). I think it's funny that at the end of Jan, he was evaluated in preschool as "Not Yet" for drawing people with more than one body part. These detailed drawings started in February and have continued to make me smile. Last week we had an incidence with a too detailed drawing at church where J "forgot to draw pants" on his person. We now have to remind him to always draw people with pants at church (and school).
